DEDICATED Business Internet Solutions
When it comes to business, there is no place for downtime, that's why we do our job in a perfect way, so that we can guarantee a 99.9% up-time for our clients, to insure they can run their business smoothly and without interruptions.
Beside the internet connectivity, the internal local area network (LAN), must be stable with no loss at any point, for this, we do our tests on the LAN and we advise what are the weak points and how they could be fixed, so that it will be ready to handle and distribute the internet to all devices perfectly and with zero loss.
We also offer free monitoring tools for our clients, so they can monitor their traffic and control their usage.
Wi-Fi for your business
Wi-Fi is an important and critical part of your company's network, therefore we do design, manage and install all kinds of Wi-Fi networks, to get a full coverage with the best security level.
Dedicated bandwidth and link
We provide business clients with dedicated internet packages, starting with 2Mbps, with very competitive prices.
To guarantee the stability of this, we do install dedicated PTP (point-to-point) wireless links that connect our clients directly to our data center.
Build your own
The best of all is when you build the connection that fits your needs in the way you want, which means that if your business needs a 10Mbps connection speed or higher speeds, just pay for what you need.Â
For this, we have created a special form, where you can order your package according to your business needs.